Senado Square Macau & Summer Street Style


Assalamualaikum. Good day to you, dear friends. I went to Macau 2 weeks ago with my husband. It's not a romantic honeymoon, absolutely because the destinations were two Special Adminitrative Regions of The People's Republic of China, Macau and Hongkong, both quite a crowded city. Despite of the situation, it was surely a very memorable vacation for us. Because that was our first journey. We were strolling around Macau at day 1. I wasn't really confident that day to take some outfit photos because I only grabbed the outfit I could reach from my backpack at Macau International Airport's toilet. But, I keep thinking that I had to post about fashion from this journey. 
After thinking while walking from Ruin of St. Paul's to Senado Square, I got the idea to snap the ladies who passed by. The special thing from the snap was the similarity of the outfit they wear. Macau was really sunny that day, so some ladies who strolling around Senado Square were wearing summer dresses. Others were wearing simple yet comfortable summer outfits. Thought it was gonna be autumn in the US and Europe, Macau was still having it's sunshine. So, summer dress and summer outfit were still a chic option to wear that day.
What do you think about the people's outfits above? All have two similarities: simple and comfortable. Most people in Macau and Hongkong were wearing sneakers because they walk alot. I really enjoy my time at Senado, the style was really suited me. Effortless. Hehe.

If you have a plan to visit Macau or Hongkong, I would recommend you to wear comfortable outfit, especially the one that easily absorbing the sweat. A comfortable sneakers with socks will be a must, but if the heat doesn't matter to you, you can chose sandals too.
How to get Senado Square? There are two options to reach Senado Square. The free option, you can go with casino bus. The nearest casino I knew from Senado Square is Grand Lisboa. You can walk while enjoying the Macau's atmosphere. The second option is riding the public bus. You have to pay with coins or with a card. But if you only spend a day in Macau, I recommended you to pay with coins. You can see the fare in front of the bus. The number of the bus can be found easily from google maps. But if money doesn't matter to you, taxi is the fastest and easiest way to go here. 
If you ask me about things to do in Senado Square, Macau, you'll get some choices. First, you can see that this place is really beautiful with Portuguese architecture building. You can snap some photos of the buildings and absolutely outfit photos, hehe. 

Do you like Asian cosmetic? Some Sasa outlets are available at Senado Square. Near the Senado, there are many Korean Cosmetics outlets. Tony Moly, Inisfree, and others are side by side. So, Senado Square is really a good place for cosmetics shopping. No need to go here and there, just walk around and you'll get it all. :)
Last but not least, there are plenty of food and beverages stall there. You can grab the food and enjoy it on the go. If you want to reduce the heat, you can spend the time at gelato cafe too. 

Senado Square is surely a really crowded place. If you are aloner, this place will not suit you. Come in the morning if you don't like the crowd. :)

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22 komentar

  1. pinter deh idenya Nia, nggak mau tampil OOTD jadi pilih foto2 para turis lain..
    pokoknya nggak boleh mati gaya ya Nia

    1. Hehe,pengennya effortless tapi tetep chic gitu Mba Monda :D

  2. Mupeng Jeung, jadi berasa di europe bukan Macau wkwkwkwkw, mungkin karena pengaruh portugis arsitekturnya ya ^^ *kekep dompet liat outlet make up*

    1. Iya di sini bahasa petunjuk exit atau entrance juga pakai Bahasa Portugis. Banyak bangunan masih pakai gaya arsitektur Eropa juga. Mureeh kok Jeung kosmetik di mari :p

  3. I have to admit, macau is one of the most serene yet exciting place i've ever been. everything and everyone were so laid back, it feels like home!

    1. You find serene in Macau? Great! Haha. Most people think about the casino if we talk about Macau. The people's life in Macau are quite modest I think, so I am not raising my eyebrows if you said serene. I agree that Macau is exciting. I like to strolling the city, shop at local market. Everything is cheaper than in HK. :D

  4. Belum ngucapin happy wedding...semoga sakinah ya . Wah asik nih honeymoonnya k macau

    1. Terima kasih Mba Rina, ini numpang lewat di Macau :)

  5. Nia, aku pengen deh coba pakai maxi dress sama kaos dan sneakers. Tapi aku kok takut keliatan tambah bogel ya? Hahahaha.

    1. Bisa Li, pakai yang di bawah lutut persis. Lima sentimeter di bawah lutut oke aja, pakai kaos kaki yang pendek ya yang sampe ankle doang trus pakai sneaker. Kece deh apalagi kalau pakai topi gitu :D

  6. Nia, ini nulisnya memang ganti jadi English? I enjoyed reading the post. And yes, got the connection from your picts. Comfortable and ease to move. There are so many things to enjoy!

    1. Ini kemarin lagi buru-buru Mas jadi pakai English. Kalau pakai Bahasa jadi ngomong panjang lebar, nggak cukup lagi waktu 30 menit di jam istirahat buat bikin post. Hihi. Sekalian postingan tentang Macau jadi pakai English, kali aja nambah traffic :p

      Makasi Mas Dan apresiasinya, itu masih belum konsisten di past semua. Tapi apa daya yang akhir2 berasa aneh kalau pakai past :D

  7. Aku,ngikutin hanimunmu mbakkk....baper banget lihat nya,ugh!!
    aku kapan ya sampai macau???hihihi...

    1. Murah Mba tiketnya, coba cari deh kalau memang mau alokasi dananya ga banyak. Macam ke Bali tapi mahal di nginep ama makan :D

  8. I thought you will write about your honeymoon trip :P I know that feeling. It is not easy look pretty on a journey. I still have no idea how other blogger still have good feeds on their instagram. Are you buying that Sasa cosmetic? Which country are their producer?

    1. Hahahaa, I only share personal stories which have advantages for people. I'll share my look on another post about Ruin of St. Paul's Macau, so people wouldn't get bored with my outfit. *lame excuse*
      Actually I didn't buy any because I already bought a few things at Sasa in Mongkok Hongkong. Most of the things were my friend's tough. *hemat Mbak* :p
      May be other blogger have a good planning for their outfit photos while on vacation. I usually already tired and didn't care anymore about my outfit on my arrival. But on the next day I would spare a little time and energy to takes photos so I'm not regret because I already took some photos at places I had visited :D

  9. Wih macau seramai itu yah mbak... Beberapa kali berniat pengen liburan kesini belum kesampaian, abis lihat fotonya jadi pengen lagi hahaha #dasarlabil #lihatdikitpengen

    1. Ini deket pusat kotanya Macau sih Mba makanya ramai. Selain di kota, ramainya di Casino doang kalau Macau, hehe :D

  10. Nia mengingatkanku akan The Sartorialist. Maygat, hahaha..

    1. Aku googling dulu supaya tau Sartorialist, ei beliau keren bingiiits.Motonya kayaknya izin kalau beliau.Aku candid.Mungkin kalau izin, bakal pakai bahasa tarzan :p


Terima kasih sudah berkunjung, silakan tinggalkan komentar.
Love, Nia :)

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