
Saturday, 7 February 2015

EF#5 BEC in My Eyes

Hi everyone,
Weekend is in the air. Take a deep breath and enjoy your day people :)

Yesterday was Friday. It meant I had to post in English with BEC's challenge theme. But i didn't make it because I was too tired of my tasks and activities. This is the second time I posted late. I hope I'll not late again for next week. 

This week theme's is "What is BEC to you?". From the BEC's admin post, it seems like they were a little bit embarrassed with this theme challenge. But dont worry admins, the theme is very interesting for me. 

I'll begin to tell how I know BEC. It was on the second week's of January when I read Puput Utami's post about BEC challenge first week. An then I read Kak Ola post and Mba Nita with the same theme. Mba Nita is one of the three BEC's admins. Only in a minute I found myself already filled the member registration form. I am interested with the English challenge post every Friday. I think the challenge will force me to learn more to write English because I dont have any competitive side to another person, my rival is myself. My biggest problem is consistency. So, I've been inconsistent for two weeks then. Hahaha.

After joining BEC's whatsapp group I feel annoyed with the group, too many chat in a time. Everyone seems like having a really spare time to chit chat there. Only a few days later I realized that the group habit is really good since we can to practice our English everyday with all the group members. I try to join the chit chat in my spare time, which was so little until now. Heheh. I really like the people in the groups, they are all care to each others and always talk about interesting things. I hope I can join the chat more than now. I envy with the group member which can practice their English ability without embarrassing about wrong grammar. I hope I can be more active in the group chat.

Every Wednesday I feel very happy because I can learn about grammar from the group's mentors. The mentors all very kindly and helpful. They can explain clearly with understandable sentences for us. I can't wait for BEC's meet up on 28 February but I have not decided yet whether I'll come or not since it'll be my holiday and I already have many plans.

I hope BEC always be a full spirit group just like now or better. I think it will be nice if BEC held meet up once in a month or one in two months Keep your spirit admin! I think I'll never bored to study English at BEC. Thanks dearest admins who always thinks how to make BEC keep growing. I really grateful being a member of BEC and meet various interesting people in BEC. I really want to blog walking to all member posts next Monday after admin's recap at BEC's blog and read their thought about this challenge. :)


  1. Just be brave mba.... Saya juga sering salah-salah :D .. paling nggak jadi tahu ternyata itu salah dan bisa jadi bener deh selanjutnya :)

    Salam kenal ya dari sesama member BEC :)

  2. Semoga makin betah di BEC yaaa.. :D

    1. Siap Mba, pokoke takusahain nimbrung sesempatnya dan aku enjoy banget sekarang :D

  3. Hai Mbak Nia, ceritanya ini kunjungan balasan hihi..
    I really like the group also since the topics we talk are random but interesting, plus we practice our English.
    Come on, let's join the meet up :)

    1. Makasi sudah dibalas kunjungannya, hehe insya Allah ini lagi ngusahain ngubah jadwal liburan :)

  4. Hihiii awalnya aku juga ngerasa terganggu dengan notifikasi whatsapp tanpa henti. Eh lama2 kebiasa juga... Asik ya ngobrol sehari2 pake bahasa Inggris, ngga pake malu, ngga peduli bener/salah *kecuali kalo udah dikomenin grammar nazi :p

    1. Haha iya Mba, maap baru balas, lagi hectic ini. Jadi jarang ikut chat juga karena saking hecticnya tapi aku pasti sempetin baca dari atas sampe bawah dalam jumlah ratusan chat XD


Terima kasih sudah berkunjung, silakan tinggalkan komentar.
Love, Nia :)