
Thursday 23 February 2012

Seven Things To Do If You Are In Trouble

1. Self Reflection
Talk to your self, ask your heart n mind, then find what u want.
Relax and go to sleep more than your usual.
If u already knew what you want of the things happened to u, think for some solutions.

2. Ask others advice
Sometimes althogh we had became a mature person, we still need others advice.
Better if u ask to person that you totaly known him/her that they are trusted. So they will not share your problem to become a gossip to talk by another people.
Ask one or two person and tell your story not only on your own point of view, so our friend can give objective solutions.
Keep the solutions from others n the choice is still in yours.
Parents maybe the best person that we can tell all of our matters, but if u need another opinion, u can ask your friend.
If your problem have an effect on your future, please tell your parents :)

Please forgive yourself or others who hurt u. Its a healing so your energy will not absorbed by bad things.

4.You have to find solutions, not blame others
You have to find solutions, not the trouble maker(s), it only hurt you twice.

5.Ask God
If you cant forgive n your mind is messed up, pray to the God to make you stronger figure out what happened to u.

6.Keep Positive
Positive is the most important things to keep on our mind n heart to get the best solution, to get courage on your way finding solution with others and to keep u have a healthy mind.

7. Let the time talk
Sometimes there are the things no need to be solved, just let the time goes n everything will be better :)

Good luck n hope you'll be a better person after figure out your problem
We can not avoid trouble, but we can ask God to make us stronger at heart n mind to figure all the bad things.
Dont worry be happy
Have a nice day :)

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